a cesspool of interwebness

Dance Ninja Assassin

Posted by Unknown On 2011-03-24 4 comments

This guy has probably been shot by the time you see this video, so enjoy it for posterity.


Selbonaut said...

awesome, poor kid at the end though... that is going to leave a mark!

pseudoRequiem said...

Cruel and unusual with the kids. Where's your head at...? Someone do me a favor and comment the syndrome dealing with fear of statues coming to life and chasing you...

Selbonaut said...

automatonophobia is known as Humanoid phobic. Automatonophobia patients are mostly fear of wax dolls, humanoid robots, animatronic audio or anything that looks similar to humans

Unknown said...

I for one welcome our robot alien anthropomorphic overlords!

Power to Great Zig !!