Loved the Civ review. It really made me think about running out and grabbing it. It also made me think about a piece of writing I did in 2001. It's based on many conversations on the subject of gaming which may or may not have occurred ;) Names of people and games have been omitted to protect the innocent. At the time, I didn't really have an audience that I thought would be interested in it. Perhaps I still don't. Things have changed quite a bit in the last 10 years. I know some of you will be able to relate to my ramblings.
Just a few highlights of my gaming credentials: Pong, Intellevision, Coleco, Arcades, ADAM, Amiga (500, 1200, 4000, RIP), handhelds, PC, MAME, Palm, Clie, Playstations, Cell-phone, Mac, Desktops, Laptops, Mini, iPhone... Of course, that's just the shit I've owned or obsessed over. I had friends with coco, Atari, AppleII, Sega, Nintendo, X-box... ad infinitum.
The above list is to add weight to the following;
Nothing compares to Civ!
Keep fighting the good fight.
That's pretty good! Thanks for sharing. Bout time we got some poetry round here that isn't a haiku.
Shocking how many game platform those of us over the age of 30 have played on. Your list reminded me of stuff I haven't heard about for years (lat time I heard the name Clie was when I worked for Sony almost a decade ago!).
Gawd I miss Amiga (although you can get the classic Amiga game, "Sid Meier's Pirates" on Xbox live nowadays!!!).
You earn double points for having ADAM in there. Nice work.
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