a cesspool of interwebness

Cthulhu Needs Hugs To!

Posted by Unknown On 2010-09-28 3 comments

It's a good time to be a geek parent! The above Cthulhu Needs Hugs To! t-shirt is one of many awesome options for baby clothing offered at thinkgeek.com - any true Gnoschitter knows this website.

It's a good time to be a geek with a kid. Now, if mine would just get here, I could dress her in some of this fine, fine geek-apparel. 


km_f5 said...

Don't forget about her early musical experiences.

ScrewLoose said...

I like NIN but those renditions make me think of the teddy bear scene in Akira..... Creepy

Unknown said...

indeed - good find F5!!