a cesspool of interwebness

teH Haloz

Posted by pseudoRequiem On 2010-09-17 2 comments

I like this blog. It's restricted to people with intelligence. I was recently browsing some forums for a few intelligently written reviews of the Halo:Reach single player with the hopes of figuring out whether the co-op campaign was actually worth it. And after a solid hour, I gave up. It was like going to a coffee shop and asking how the cappuccino is. Only instead of an answer of "meh", "great" or "try again tomorrow", someone rushes from their seat and beats me over the head with a wooden sign scrawled hastily with hate speech and praise for "teh mocha". Followed shortly by someone else bursting through the window to beat the first sign bearer with his own sign spouting similar hate speech and praise for "teh cappuccino".

I'm so fed up with the internet enabling people to do things this ridiculous. Visualize that scenario and think about what opinion you form for both people and the camps they represent. I am done with people of questionable intelligence. So I need your help people. Tell me if you've played Halo:Reach, if you enjoyed the single and co-op campaign, and if the survival and mp modes are interesting enough for a buy. I've played a bit of H3 multiplayer and found it a bit shallow but always enjoy the single player games :) Tanks and bombs.

Xbox is questionable... going to play Dragon Age on PC instead... and you can forget about 100 percenting that game...

teh ReQuiEmZ


Unknown said...

The co-op campaign is definitely worth it!
The wife and I have beat all the Halo campaigns (except ODST, but it doesn't count...) and this one was, by far, the best of the bunch. That game has been called, "Bungie's farewell swan song," and rightly so. Not only is the campaign fun, but it's also gorgeous, and introduces some wicked fun new elements, such as: jet-packs(!), new weapons, a space battle, a flying level in a city, and more.

The only real downside, as far as I'm concerned, is the length of the campaign. Probably took us around 8 hours. Started Friday night and polished it off on Sunday. And then I considered picking it up and playing it again right away, so that should tell you something - especially since I rarely replay games.

Glanced at the multi-player and horde mode (or whatever it's called) and they look fun as well. I look forward to playing those elements of the game with others. Word to the wise if you play with us: Bob is unnaturally good at Deathmatches and has a bad habit of turning into a complete bitch when kicking our asses. She will apologize afterwords though.

So yeah, check it out. And it you've played and enjoyed the other games in the series, then definitely go there one last time!

Unknown said...

A video response just for Gno Schitters.