Really, what's stopping us?
What's going to be left here in North America if the US really falls? I'm a rat, and I will desert a sinking ship (every day of the week, and twice on Sunday).
If you can bear it:
The Fall of CRE
A real Tsunami that the world will feel
I'm serious.
What? No discussion?
hmm... OK, let's see.
Saskatoon house mortgage: ~$900/mo
Dubai 2br apartment rent: ~$8,000/mo
And, after reading this I don't think we could afford to live.
besides, what makes you think that they'll let in crazy nuts like us?
fair enough.
But if the choice is between making $800 a month in UAE OR starving and freezing in Canada when the energy/economy runs dry, I'll take the 8 hun.
Just kidding - we have enough Uranium to keep us lit up FOREVER.
The grass is always greener...
I had clients who came back from living in Dubai for 2 years. He was a doctor. She stayed at home.
While they found it to be an interesting experience and got to travel extensively thoughout that area of the world, they ultimately found the experience of being the minority in a culture far different from our own was extremely taxing. There was something everyday that made them say, "I wish we were back in Canada".
As for the looming crisis, I'm much more worried about the long term survival of our fresh water supply (and keeping that supply out of the hands of the evil empire), than I am about running out of electrical power. That being said, the two problems are so interconnected you'd need to get a completely renewable yet technologically simple energy supply into the hands of the general public to pull them apart.
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