I saw this come across my twitterfeed the other day from Gabe @ Penny-Arcade. I immediately thought of Ryan and our discussion on his art the other day. I thought I would share:
The Wacom Inkling is a Pen you can use that will store each line as a layer for you to scan as Vector art. Essentially turning your paper into Computer art!
This live action portal video is pretty sweet, if this was expanded to a feature film I would sure as hell go see it.
Silly video but put smile on my face..
Never in the history of games have I heard that "We are capping Preorder sales" before a launch. But apparently this game has sold so abundantly well that the initial sales will be capped for Preorders.
I've preordered my digital copy already when it was announced, but I keep a lookout for my boys who may want to join us in the future.
A link to Gamespot
Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus from Patrick Clair on Vimeo.
I'm sitting here at my desk at work and can't seem to get it out of my head just how good Lost Odyssey was, not for it's characters, combat and story (which were all great) but one lasting connection I feel. While not forgettable, it's rare that I think of any characters or plot elements from the actual game. I've always thought that the voice work in Lost Odyssey is some of the best to date in any video game but the content holds it back from having a strong impact except in a few scenes that they just nailed in terms of context as well as acting. (Lirum's death for example) But what I find myself constantly thinking back on are Kaim's dreams.
The clear winner from this list is going to be Sherlock Holmes right? Happy Feet 2 should be dead last with The Twilight Saga down there somewhere.
What the fuck is wrong with people? At least they would rather see the new MI:Ghost Protocol than Happy Feet 2 (seriously), but Twilight? Really?
Who gives a fuck about sparkly vampires when you can see Robert Downey Jr. mix it up with Professor Moriarty!