A surprisingly beautiful piece for what the subject matter is. It made me sad. Highly recommend watching the video linked to in the vid to watch it in correct chronological order. I personally feel that it would've been better shown this way. Emotional effect was stronger for me even when I knew what was going to happen.
Kyro - Dead Space is a good example of the genre evolving as it needs to. No one says it's zombies but they are. I'll never tire of zombies either. L4D, Dead Space, Dead Rising, and Resident Evil all fall in my happy category. Currently 100%ing Dead Space. Next up, Dead Space 2. :)
That's harsh. And beautiful.
And about two years too late. The zombie genre is far past its current prime. Time to shelve it for another 20 years.
Declaring the Zombie meme dead is a little premature my culturally cynical friend. May I direct your attention to Dead Space 2 ;)
As an artistic piece it is pretty haunting.
A surprisingly beautiful piece for what the subject matter is. It made me sad. Highly recommend watching the video linked to in the vid to watch it in correct chronological order. I personally feel that it would've been better shown this way. Emotional effect was stronger for me even when I knew what was going to happen.
Kyro - Dead Space is a good example of the genre evolving as it needs to. No one says it's zombies but they are. I'll never tire of zombies either. L4D, Dead Space, Dead Rising, and Resident Evil all fall in my happy category. Currently 100%ing Dead Space. Next up, Dead Space 2. :)
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