10.4: A simple way to copy the path to a file or folder
a cesspool of interwebness
I do find it horrifying how hard some tasks are. I do think I had tripped over an easier way to do this task but of course it was still so obscure that I have forgotten it
well if it comes to mind, please post it here
I'm always looking for (and trying to share) little OS X tricks and tips
You know i hear macs just work. And they are so intuitive and easy to use that the waveform collapses a bit more each time someone tries to do something actually computer related on them. Fuck you iEverything!
Don't know if this works in 10.4 but it seems to work in 10.5:works like a charm1. Click on the file or folder you want the path for
2. Click on 'Finder' in the menu bar
3. 'Services'
4. 'TextEdit'
5. 'New Window containing Selection'
A TextEdit window opens with the text (hyperlink) of the path, e.g. /Users/Jim/Music/file.mp3
Quite quick and easy!
2.4GHz MacBookPro, 4GB DDR, 10.5.8