a cesspool of interwebness

More than meets the eye!

Posted by Unknown On 2006-06-22 5 comments

How cool is this!

A Milleniuum Falcon that transforms into Robo-Han and Robo-Chewie!
If I liked this kind of shit I'd have the whole collection (follow the link...), but I'm not much of a collector.

This thing fulfills multiple obsessions for so many people...


rainswept said...


Of course, the crown jewel of this collection is the 1/6th scale Deathstar that comes apart into 22,000,000,000,000,000 mecha-stormtroopers*.

*Assuming that the Death Star has an average density of 390.625 kg per cubic meter** and that an armored stormtrooper weighs about 100kg.

** That's the density of Western Red Cedar,or a 'moon dungeon' - 75% empty space and 25% lunar regolith. If the Death Star had the structure of a modern submarine, you could handily make 60,000,000,000,000,000 troopers; but only 335,000,000,000,000 of the little buggers if your Death Star has the density of a Kevlar canoe.

Unknown said...

There is a whole schwack of these out now. I just saw the commercial for the Dark Vader / Tie Fighter. In the background there was a Jedi Starfighter craft.

What is the point of these toys honestly? I mean, as a child I always strove for some continuity, the idea of actual (Marvel/Hasbro) Transformers existing in the StarWars universe is just offensive to me honestly (vice versa ditto).

Am I the only person that thinks Hasbro has jumped the shark here?

Unknown said...

I'm right with on this one Jay.
It's another example of rampant consumerism.
I posted it in the first place because of its inane humor.
What surprises me the most is that Lucas ok'ed this. Unless things have changed the man completely controls and Star Wars related merchandising, so he must have at least singed the contract.
This is right up there with endless revisions of DVD's forcing us to but three version of the same film to get all the special features, on my WTF? list.

rainswept said...

It's a surprise that the man who extruded Episodes I through III authorized a cynical cash grab?

Unknown said...

Ah yes, but filmmaking is art...
Merchandising is soulless. Unless your name is George and you are trying to get just enough money to buy a chain of islands to retire to and rule as a quasi-benevolent dictator. (snicker)