Well it wasn't as I had feared...my new school division did not opt to take "the Donut Division" as its new name.
For those of you who hadn't heard, my division amalgamated (to save money - although none of our highest paid administrators lost their jobs. Can you say redundant?). This means that Sask. West, East, and Valley school divisions are now one - da da da The Prairie Spirit School Division. This effectively makes a circle or donut around Saskatoon ( the hole, as the gag goes).
Here's our new site! Check it out. Our chairman of the board is an Einstein look-a-like.
Is anybody else tired of this sort of crap?
James, Selbonaut, Vin, Feed The Dog, weigh in here on this.
The way teaches that the more laws we have the more crimes there are. I'm glad there is so much law about copyright, and copy protection - soon we can all be criminals just for reading, writing, and thinking.
As Megadeth bellicosely declares: "Next thing you know, they’ll take my thoughts away"
As some of you may know, I was looking at putting a bid in on a whole shwack of computers that are going for auction per the folding of XGX a month or two ago.
I had originally envisioned putting a partial bid in for a large segment of goods available. I phoned the law office responsible today to discuss and he informed me that my bid would only get me invited to the item by item auction to be held on a date in the near future when all workstations, chairs, X-Boxes, etc... will be sold per unit.
I gave the individual my contact info and said that I would appreciate the chance to come down and bid. I don't know what day it will be, but if anybody wants to come with me and bid on items directly I'm sure that would be fine. I plan to buy a number of high-end machines, flat panels, and chairs.
I thought that others might be interested in having a glance at some figures I came across.
IQ Patterns
Job Approval
Umm... anybody else see a pattern?
This is one logic puzzle format that you just have to try when you get the chance! Sudoku has become a huge craze - I dare you to try just one!
Oh, wait. That's the Lay's potato chips slogan...sorry.
Well, we are hoping to [fnord] have some people out again this Saturday for movies and/or games and/or whatever. We are open to suggestions, but [fnord] I'm hoping to play some Blokus, BATHOTH, Da Vinci Code (which I have discovered is almost identical to the game Coda !), and maybe Seafarers Of Catan (cause it has groovy scenario's that look neat to play).
All are [fnord] welcome (as long as you are Illuminated!)
Well, with Dick's buddy now almost fully recovered and out of the hospital we can once again turn to making fun of the whole situation entirely. The latest is a gag where you can customize your own (fake) CNN news article with regard to the US-Veep.
I took the liberty of doing one quickly for Selbonaut.
I just heard about the million dollar web page. How is it that some people can be so lazy and come up with such simple ideas, and yet I can't get past the time old tradition of "work hard for your money". Honestly, even if I could conjure up a "pet rock" scheme, I don't know if I'd have the moral conscience to go ahead with it. But I think it says somewhere that the meek will inherit the earth...? *fingers crossed*
Played a game called Blokus last night with Vin and his brothers. Beautiful looking game that plays fast and is very engaging.
This demo basically shows you an entire game (gotta enable popups for the demo to show). I'm going to buy this game today or tomorrow and really hope that I get a chance to play it again this weekend.
Speaking of this weekend, Terry is coming back into town and he was thinking it would be rad to get together and spin some records. Either here at my place or at Harley's on Saturday night sounds like it would be best. Email or call me if you are interested in showing up.
Anybody free this weekend for some boardgames and/or music (but no crazy-town).
Hey, was following some links down the rabit hole and came accross this interesting article. It is about future work to be done in the Labrynth and Dark Crystal worlds.
You can read it here.
I am going to see what else I can find and post more as I find it. I am not sure about the rest of you but those two worlds were a staple of imagination in my childhood and would love to see more come from those worlds, I just hope that they are worth while.
The adds surrounding it are NSFW but this is one hell of a piece of creative interpretation.
WARNING may not be for good for work viewing WARNING
Make sure your somewhere that you can laugh out loud when you watch this flash movie.
I'm ecstatic over the new development that puts John Madden and Al Michaels together again on the Sunday Night NFL game on NBC. I tell you, I felt crushed that the pair was going to be split up at the end of this year. The last Monday night regular season game really felt like the end of an era.
Instead we can look forward to another exciting season of John and Al - as it should be - just on a different night. It's funny how things work out sometimes.
Lego Computer. Or adding machine at the very least. made all outa lego.
Everybody should check out some Monster Magnet in short order. I feel like I'm going to blow up after the clowning around that our new Prime Minister is responsible for, and the 2M's brings me down from the rage.
(I saw Paul Who? on MSN the other day, and he's got his identity set to: "Paul Who: The Conservatives are the Nazi Party of Canada" - which is a bit harsh maybe, but captures the general feeling of dread I have about the social agenda of Harper and his party)
The SuperBowl was sure a snore-fest, but at least the right team won and the ads were pretty funny for the most part (at least the original US ads were half good).
Well, keeping with the theme of the weekly post, I think I'm going to take
Here is everything you ever wanted to know about this sunday, but were too afraid to ask.
I am starting a Stupid Human of the Week post. This weeks candidate is actually quite impressive.
Edit: GW Bush is not eligible for these posts as he would win almost everytime.
Well is seems to be the in thing to do in Hollywood, Sequel Ver. 2.3245b.
But pay close attention to who the Director is.
I am not sure how I feel about it, many of you may know of my deep love for the first one, and who they have working on the second makes me feel a bit better, but they should just really leave well enough alone.
Well, I ended up at something aweful while following a link at Tweakbench. And I found this amazingly horrible, but very very funny movie.
Since Don has been slacking, I thought I would post today's Link of the Week.
Well this is only the 3rd blog I have used. The first was a pretty spiffy self made one, the second was Livejournal. Odds are most of the time you guys will see various rants from me.
Ok, so I'm being dragged kicking and screaming into the world of the BLOG. In fact I have been told that I will be assimilated and some nonsense about "resistance being futile". SO BLOG me up baby 'cuz here I am!
Well, as many of you know I work retail, and as some of you may know this is the slowest time of the year in retail. So to keep myself as sane as I can I troll the internet all day, and in my adventures I sometimes come across some interesting sites and products. I have been sending the links to Jay for some time, titled ‘Link of the Week’, which usually ended up being one a day.