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Chapter & Verse

Posted by Unknown On 2011-04-07 3 comments

I love audiobooks. Thanks to audiobooks I still manage to get through an average of 4 - 6 books each month. Both me and the Mrs. fall asleep to audiobooks every night. They make a walk go by quicker and mindless work more enjoyable.
I know that there are a few Schitt-heds out there who also enjoy audiobooks on their iDevice which is why I thought I'd share this awesome piece of FREE software I recently discovered.
It's called Chapter and Verse and it's the audiobook software you've been looking for.

Using this great little program you can take a downloaded audiobook (usually in mp3), merge the files, convert them to m4b (for iDevices), add chapters, add all the metadata you could want, and merge it all into one nice file ready to be enjoyed.
As an alternate, you may also like the piece of software I used to use before discovering Chapter and Verse. It's called Mp3 to Ipod and while not as feature filled, it is an excellent tool for creating audiobooks.
More questions about audiobooks and related resources? Chuck em into the comments and I'll answer what I can for everybody.
Happy listening!


Selbonaut said...

For mac users, this is the same idea... super easy and works great


Selbonaut said...

Keep the software comin LordJim, the ones that you have recommended so far have been great...

pseudoRequiem said...

I'm now a user. <3 it.