a cesspool of interwebness

Joy from the simplest things

Posted by Bairen On 2011-03-16 3 comments

As i go through my days, Itry to find stuff to bring a smile to my face and others. This one was shared by a friend of mine, and then I saw it on G4.

I am a huge fan of Frost and Pegg. I plan to go see Paul sometime soon. As I loved Hot Fuzz, and Shaun of the Dead.


pseudoRequiem said...

Makes me wish R2 had a voice in Star Wars from the get go :)

Unknown said...

"Paul" should be a ton of fun.

I'm also partial to Simon Pegg's appearance in the new JJ Abrams Star Trek - as long as they keep this vibe going the second one should be excellent.

Unknown said...

On the right, I just discovered Troopers clips by College Humor, I had no idea. Fuck is that shit funny too.