a cesspool of interwebness

I'll Buy That For A Dollar!

Posted by Unknown On 2007-11-28 5 comments

The Movie Blog horror writer Serena makes a case for Nicholas Brendan - "Xavier" from Buffy - to be cast as Ash in the upcoming Evil Dead remake.

Sam Raimi has already confirmed that the remake is going to happen, so really, when I look at some of the other folks that have been considered for the role (Stifler for Christ's sake!!) Brendon seems like a damn spiffy choice for me.

What do you cats think?


ScrewLoose said...

I never really watched but Buffy but if your looking for an actor with a similar look to Bruce Campbell he certainly appears to fit.

Now can he deliver a one liner with half the effectiveness of Bruce Campbell?

Bruce Campbell Sound Clip Library

How well can Nicholas laugh insanely while chopping off his own hand?

Unknown said...

Pretty good actually! Brendon has some great comedic chops, can be dramatic, and can also beef up pretty good when needed.

The more I think about it, the more I like the idea.

Unknown said...

I don't know what disappoints me more: the fact that they are re-making a classic like this that is better left untouched, or the fact that nobody else is as appalled about it as I am.

ScrewLoose said...

I'm appalled but Hollywood execs don't consider anything sacred. They will remake a remake of a remake without hesitation and there really isn't anything we can do about it besides not watching it.

Overall I see 2 different scenarios as good:

a) The movie is just right, it pays decent homage to the originals without making everyone forget them while at the same time standing on its own.

b) The movie sucks so bad that everyone forgets it exists, everyone continues to watch the originals.

Time will tell how it turns out but with Hollywood's complete lack of ideas expect them to remake and butcher every classic you hold dear.

Off hand I'm dreading the day they decide to remake "The Princess Bride" and "Monty Python and the Holy Grail".

rainswept said...

I'll join the 'appalled' train, but will mention an actor that I think might be able to ride the fine line between camp and mugging to the camera that Ash requires - Ryan Reynolds.

He and Parker Posey were the only watchable things in Blade: Trinity... fortunately they shared quite a bit of screen time.