Don't go to the Grand Sirenis in the Riviera Maya.
Please read the post here.
... and then go vote on TripAdvisor here.
(just please click the YES button beside the "was this helpful?" indicator)
Two things about this situation really piss me off:
1 - I don't care what country it is, you don't treat women like this, and you fucking follow up with major repercussions if it does. Like jail for the asshole, let alone the fact he should be fired on the spot.
2 - Shit like this makes those of us that had a good time in Mexico question our experience and wonder if we can go back. We had a great time there, could this have happened to my daughter?
I'm willing to bet most of us have some form of caffeine addiction. Now there is an option for the laziest caffeine addict. Screw drinking caffeinated beverages like a chump, no more swallowing caffeine pills for that late night cram session, no more gnashing at caffeinated gum, begone with the sucking of caffeinated mints. BEHOLD THE FUTURE IS HERE AEROSHOTS. Yes now all you need to get your buzz on is the ability to BREATHE.
I have no doubt some kid will die huffing 50 of these but we need to thin the herd somehow.
This one requires some reading, but it's an important object lesson. It's got an angle featuring one of the Penny Arcade dudes (Gabe specifically) which is why I think it ties into our content here.
- Start here on 1up
- To see some of the original email content with come commentary, you can read it here
- To wrap it up, please read the article here on Forbes
The dude from Ocean Marketing is clearly out of control.
I'm particularly fond of the following closing statements in the Forbes article:
"In that sense, it’s more like somebody who works at an MMA organisation meeting a world MMA champion in a bar and failing to recognise them, despite the MMA champion identifying himself by name as they squared off."
In case you missed the link in the earlier articles, the full email thread is up on Penny-Arcade here