A website dedicated to, according to them, "satirical social commentary of the extraordinary sights found at America’s favorite store. Walmart is Americana baby, Enjoy!"
There is some genuinely scary and funny stuff to look at. It's like watching a train wreck, in Arkansas...
Another site for daily chuckles is FailBlog - well worth your time!
It's international TLAPD tomorrow, so since nobody will be here at work for it, we decided we'd express ourselves (variously) on Friday the 18th.
Thanks to Screwloose, I've got an outfit kicking around. I've now had two chances to wear it and I'm sure there will be more upcoming (Halloween anybody?).
That's Phoenix/Snow with me in the photo for those who've not met her.
Am I the kinda guy that would pony up $120 to feel sick to my stomach? Maybe actually...