a cesspool of interwebness

I love the internet

Posted by Selbonaut On 2008-05-28 1 comments

Hey, here is a neat little video of what happens when you put a cell phone in a microwave...

Not what you think.

Sasktel vs. Shaw - your thoughts?

Posted by Clockwork On 2008-05-26 3 comments

I'm trying to decide whether to go with Shaw for internet and phone as apposed to Sasktel. I have been happy with Sasktel's service but find that my internet is a little slow for online gaming (though not bad) and my bill is a little excessive for phone. That being said, I haven't used Shaw in ages.

We require Canada wide long distance (anytime) and I use the internet both for gaming and torrents along with general use.

If anyone has had recent experience with Shaw's services, your advice would be much appreciated.


Little Brother - Cory Doctorow

Posted by Toad008 On 2008-05-23 2 comments

FeedTheDog and I were discussing this book at lunch today, and Kyro seemed interested. I said I would put it up here, as I think it's a book that more GnoSchitters would like. It is available in many formats at the link in the title for free, as it is distributed under one of the Creative Commons licenses. I very highly recommend it.

It's a book about a high school kid. He is in the wrong place at the wrong time, and ends up being accused as a terrorist. It discusses the loss of freedoms that the community goes through after a terrorist attack, and this technologically literate student rebelling against that. It's a very interesting read. All the technologies used in the book are accurate as well. There is a How-to (here) that explains how to create some of the homemade devices, or do a lot of the things done in the book. This includes things like discovering pinpoint cameras for extremely cheap, blocking/killing RFID chips, and removing camera specific noise from pictures. Very cool stuff for the people who want to secure their things to the extreme.

Some of the critics have compared it to Orwell's 1984. It is also classified as a Young Adult book, so the reading level is pretty easy. It's a book you can start, and finish, pretty easily in a week or two. Downside is it's all digital, so if you don't have a nice device to read on, you may need to pay for 200 pages of printing, or read off a computer monitor. Not a big deal for some (like me) but hopefully that doesn't scare you away from this great book.

Stop reading this post, and start reading the book.

Sad Kermit (reverse order)

Posted by Unknown On 2008-05-20 2 comments

Come get your free NIN!

Posted by Clockwork On 2008-05-13 0 comments

As a thank-you to fans, the new NIN cd is completely free for download. Here's the link.

sleight of hand + toothpick = out of a job

Posted by ScrewLoose On 2008-05-12 3 comments

I don't understand people anymore.

Datastorm V1.0

Posted by ScrewLoose On 0 comments

Nothing like combining data transfer and and automatic assault weapons. Cubicle warfare has been taken to the next level.

Pole Dancing on the Wii?! Could spell trouble!

Posted by Clockwork On 2008-05-06 0 comments

Make sure you watch the video.

a Steely BBQ Weekend

Posted by Unknown On 2008-05-05 4 comments

Well, I guess CPM and me have been going round in circles for years now. How many? I can't possibly be expected to remember accurately.


We thought this year that it would be fun to have a big BBQ on the same day that our wedding actually was in 1997, specifically the 17th of May (and could somebody please double check that I got the year correct?).

So, if you could make it out that night, bring your own dead stuff to burn on the BBQ and something to drink, we'd love to see you. Hopefully the weather is warm and we can spend some of it outside (not like in '97 when it snowed on us).

Please email me to let me know that you can make it (or not). If coming, please feel free to bring a lawn chair or two so that we've got lots if we're outside. This night is kid friendly, so please, no weapons (or anything Metro would put in the trunk of his car).

Bonus points for anybody who gets the title of this post.


Posted by ScrewLoose On 2008-05-02 2 comments

Kyro and I are planning to see Ironman on Sunday at noon. Anyone else interested in the hero in iron pants is welcome to come.

Arkham Asylum Fan Film

Posted by Unknown On 2008-05-01 0 comments

If you've ever read Grant Morrison and Dave McKean's Arkham Asylum graphic novel you know just how dark and intense Batman can be.

Now some fans have created a short film adaptation (English subtitles) of this dark and creepy world and it looks very good.

I hope you enjoy it.