Hey Schitt-heads! Most of you hosers I know personally, some I don't know at all, but the following invitation is open (for the time being) to anyone who you think may want to contribute.
Those who do know me know that for the last couple years I've been periodically mumbling about wanting to do something creative with my friends. In an ideal world this is something marketable, that could potentially lead towards creating something successful enough to allow us to work for ourselves. Naturally, no one bothered to bring my dream to life, so I'm taking the reins and seeing if we can't get this ball rolling!
I want to create something in collaboration with my friends and I don't care what, yet. This is about leveraging our collective skills and interests to make something that intrigues us.
For now I'm just looking to see who is interested, what they can bring to the table, and suggestions for a project or projects.
So, for me, I write for a living and have experience with all kinds of writing for most mediums. I have experience as a voice actor, producer, director, casting director. My interests tend towards pop culture, history, religion, video games, movies and cooking. I'm interested in producing a film, video game, app, comic book and that's all that's leaping to mind at the moment.
Now, it's your turn. Jump aboard and let's take control of our futures!
We have talked in the past about it, and I love the idea of working with friends on a project. I unfortunately don't have much to bring to the table. I am not a professional anything right now, other than a student.
If it has to do with Biology then I can help with that, or research I can do that too. But that is about where my skills stop at the moment.
I think that everyone that reads this blog will share the same sentiments with you as to wanting to do a project. All of us have played enough *insert time waster here* to have a passion for the creative outlets that we enjoy. There is great potential within this group to make something... I support you in anyway that I can.
Maybe the first step is a brainstorming session with all of the interested parties about what kinds of projects are possible.
I recommend we convene as a group sometime mid February to put stuff on the table and talk about it.
Music Video
Short Film Project
Living Art Piece
Guerilla Yoga Installment downtown.
Enter a live theatre piece in the Fringe...
Start a YouTube 10 minutes / month show
(the list goes on)
Kyro - yes!
Selbonaut - I think you undervalue yourself, and we'll find a good use for you.
Make a boardgame of epic proportions
Make a DnD variant rule set that we would not only love playing ourselves but would sweep the medium and make us tons of geek flavored money. Play testing a must :)
I like that idea Kyro.
Making a (board)game would be cool, but challenging to design as a group as the mechanic for the game really must be 'owned' by a single person to avoid stalemate on design I think.
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