a cesspool of interwebness

and now I'm a lot giddy...

Posted by pseudoRequiem On 2010-11-24 2 comments

This one is making me wonder how a movie will ever impress me in the future. I think this combined with the potential of the up and coming Hack(slash)Slash movie will fill my movie requirements for a long while.

And then there's Green Lantern, Captain America, SkyLine (maybe, Kyro say bad things and from the preview it looks like it's the acting), Battle:Los Angeles (which looks like SkyLine done right or maybe a killzone movie), and maybe Four Lions. It never ends, but at least it's goodness that never ends.

2 lvls away from 100%ing Halo:Reach. Better game that I had hoped.


Unknown said...

Looks like great eye candy. I'm a little worried that Zack Synder is gonna pull a Shyamalan and simply keep using his same bag of tricks until he has no career.

I mean 300 was a stunning theatrical revelation. Watchmen was cool, but not as mind-blowing. Will this one simply dazzle us with CGI fantasies, only to be lacking heavily in the story and acting departments (rendering a second viewing unlikely). Then after this film Chris Nolan has picked Snyder to direct the new Superman. Will he make the Man of Steel into the Man-Whose-Shit-I've-Seen-Variations-Of-In-Your-Last-Four-Movies? Gawd, I hope not.

In the end I am cautiously optimistic, but prepared for the worst.

Unknown said...

Strange as this sounds I'm going to set my expectations super low on this